Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A simple thanks

I thought I would break the ice and see if anyone else will write then!!

As the last couple of weeks have flown by and the days until classes start are steadily approaching, I keep thinking of the last 8 weeks spent at Falls Creek this summer. It amazes me how well God knows me and plans such wonderful things for me if I would only listen and obey. This summer was really something I needed and it seems like God had this all planned out for awhile.

I was hesitant about working at Falls Creek this summer. I happened to have found the application on line by chance in March sometime. I was looking on it for a deadline and I couldn’t find one, so I called the BGCO building using Marcus Crawford’s extension line and asked him about the deadline for working at Falls Creek. He asked me if I could come in that day and interview, so I left my last class as little early and drove to the BGCO building. I was really nervous about the whole thing. I got through the interview and got a call about ten days later telling me I would be working on the ropes staff. I was nervous that I would be the big rebel of the staff and that everyone else would be really goody-goody and boring.

How wrong I was on that respect. There were a lot of things God taught me this summer and some of it was through your guys actions and words (which most of you guys are probably unaware of). I just wanted to thank you guys for being so awesome and making this summer so wonderful. Now as we are getting close to school starting and going to start being busy again, I hope I will remember what I learned this summer and continue to keep putting it to practice. And I hope that when God talks to all of us during the school year that we all will listen and not get to busy with all of the other stuff and listen for God; may we follow no matter how hesitant we feel. My thoughts for the week, I guess. Love you guys!

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