Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Difference Between Right and Left...

Well, God taught me a lesson today…other than the difference between my right and my left!
Its Monday of Week 6 here at Falls Creek and I am still learning things about and from God. On Mondays we usually do some kind of training in the morning, whether it be rescues or low ropes or any other random thing Trent finds for us to do. For the last few weeks Trent has been doing lows with about half of the people while the other half go practice or learn how to do rescues. Not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed to be on the lows list. However, God had something in mind for me—He’s cool like that.
So, we headed out to Low C and I just decided I was going to have a positive attitude about it. I mean, I had caffeine running through my system so nothing could be that bad, right? That positive attitude really paid off, though, because we did some really cool lows stuff and I got to feel involved and it was really fun. After our first two activities we stopped for a minute and talked about working together to reach lost people and had a really great discussion. I learned a lot from that, but that’s not where God’s big lesson was for me.
Our last activity was to split up into two groups and do the “Planks of Doom.” (I can’t really remember their real name right now.) When our team first got together we decided that the girl in the front should be the only one talking. Good plan. But when we started we realized that since the other team was so loud we just wouldn’t be able to hear her. Now, God has blessed me with a quite…interesting…voice, and the overwhelming desire to be heard. So, I asked her if she wanted to switch. No problem. Cool. We had a little trouble at the beginning but eventually got almost all the way across. For some reason somebody slipped off and we (I) got frustrated and began dragging the planks back to start over. Trent stopped us and said we could just start again right there, however, once we did we (I) got a little confused after just being so frustrated that we had fallen off so close to the end. Now, the way I had been yelling commands was “1, 2, right…1, 2, left…etc.” So we all get back on these planks and I begin to yell “1,2,left!” I pulled up and it didn’t move. Again I yelled “1, 2, left!!!” Again no movement. So, I spat out my gum and, because I was even more frustrated, screamed at the top of my lungs “1, 2, LEFT!!!” Nothing. Oh man. I was mad. Who was the stinkin’ idiot that couldn’t move their left foot off the dang plank so we could pick it up? About this time I got quiet and I could finally hear Kristin behind me: “Honey, you’re trying to move the right one.” Wow. I felt dumb.
How many times does that happen, though? Things will be going along just fine in our lives, smooth as can be, and everyone is involved and on board with the direction we’re going. Then we hit a rough patch, something gets placed wrong, somebody falls, and we get frustrated. We lose our focus and it is so hard to start back and get going to the place we were originally intended. We get confused and attempt to do something that we don’t initially realize is contrary to the words coming out of our mouth. It’s a scary trap to fall into as a leader, something God’s been talking to me about a lot this summer. Our focus has to be on Him and our goal, and we need to make sure that our goal is also part of His plan. Because if our goal is part of His plan He is going to be right there seeing it through to completion, then when we focus on our goal we can’t help but see God at the very same time.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

First Post

Okay guys,

Facebook has me beat down. There is more there than I can figure out, so I decided to do something about it. I am hoping that you guys will sign on this idea and help me out. It makes more sense to me than some conglomeration of wierd applications that facebook has become.

Peace Out,
